Sekolah Jembatan Budaya
Sekolah Jembatan Budaya is a national school with three languages: Indonesian, Mandarin, and English, designed to suit the Indonesian national curriculum. Our school has qualified and experienced native Mandarin and English teachers who work within a team of professional local teachers.
To prepare a human resource that is solid, intelligent and humane, JB School offers a safe learning and teaching environment for students and teachers that are characterized by innovation, cooperation, and culture diversity.

Kami menerima siswa didik baru tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 semua jenjang pendidikan. Segera daftarkan dan percayakan pendidikan putra-putri Anda di JB School.
Our Vision
Our vision is to educate and develop the humanity of the new young generation in anticipation of the challenges they will face in a competitive and unpredictable future.